Baby Geniuses

Hello babies!

Got any great travel plans? We don't! In this episode, Lisa successfully blurbs a book, Emily is still considering starting the podcast about wiping ass. On Wiki of the Week, we read the Wikipedia page for "Mariko Aoki phenomenon," a Japanese expression referring to an urge to defecate that is suddenly felt after entering bookstores. Scientists are clamoring to find an explanation. 

Direct download: baby_geniuses_3-18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10am PDT

Hello babies!

We've been very busy lately so we're finally catching up on all the good things we missed last year. Why didn't anyone tell Emily to watch Get Out sooner? On this episode, we let the toucan out of the bag! Lisa is creating a new show for Netflix! Tuca & Bertie stars some of the characters she's been doodling while recording Baby Geniuses. On Wiki of the Week, we read the Wikipedia page for "Flatulence Humor." Humans have been laughing at our own farts for millennia. Sorry mom, it's not a "phase" I'll "grow out of." 

Direct download: baby_geniuses_3-4_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:36am PDT