Baby Geniuses
Aparna Nancherla / Alana Johnston

Hello babies! 


We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Did you sleep well on your old twin bed at your parents’ house? Or maybe they turned your old room into some sort of multi use office situation and now you’re sleeping on a pull out couch bed? Either way, you’re sleeping in your own bed tonight and that always feels great. On Chunch Chat, Martha must have learned a trick from her friend Snoop Dogg because she’s doing a lot of wrapping! On Wiki of the Week, we read the page for Gef, also known as the Talking Mongoose or Dalby Spook. Nothing I respect more than the integrity required to take a lifelong hoax to the grave with you! We welcome Aparna Nancherla to the show to discuss her history selling Cutco knives. They’re actually great knives! Parenting expert Chandelyne Jean joins us to teach us how to be better parents to however many children we may or may not have. 


Emily Heller

Lisa Hanawalt

Aparna Nancherla

Alana Johnston

Direct download: baby_geniuses_12-11-16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

Hello babies!


Its almost Christmas! We got the ultimate gift this year - Lisa’s dog Indy survived cancer! There is still good in this crazy world! Turning to bad news, the final episode of Great British Bakeoff with the classic cast is airing soon. We’re coping by literally sticking our feet in bags of acid. We’re doing everything we can to boost our ratings. On Wiki of the Week, we tackle the wikipedia page for “Responses to Sneezing.” Bless you! Our guest Casey Ley has HIV and he’s doing just fine. Expert baby namer Vivaldi Earnst Deveraux stops by to show us how to subvert child naming traditions.


Emily Heller

Lisa Hanawalt

Casey Ley

Craig Rowin


Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PDT

Hello babies!


Its almost Christmas! We got the ultimate gift this year - Lisa’s dog Indy survived cancer! There is still good in this crazy world! Turning to bad news, the final episode of Great British Bakeoff with the classic cast is airing soon. We’re coping by literally sticking our feet in bags of acid. We’re doing everything we can to boost our ratings. On Wiki of the Week, we tackle the wikipedia page for “Responses to Sneezing.” Bless you! Our guest Casey Ley has HIV and he’s doing just fine. Expert baby namer Vivaldi Earnst Deveraux stops by to show us how to subvert child naming traditions.


Emily Heller

Lisa Hanawalt

Casey Ley

Craig Rowin


Direct download: baby_geniuses_19_new.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT