Baby Geniuses

Hello babies!

Our babies are growing up! Our very own Lisa got papped! A paparazzo pops Lisa and Adam a peculiar question that, frankly, outs the photog as being bad at sex. Tune in to find out what I’m talking about! On Chunch Chat, there is no new Chunch news. On Wiki of the Week, we discuss the Wikipedia page for Lisa Nowak. You may remember Lisa Nowak as the diaper wearing, revenge seeking, cross country driving astronaut. Brigitte Muñoz-Liebowitz joins us to talk about how nuns are real people with real careers who get horny sometimes. On Expert Hour, Darrell Maxwell joins us to remind us about the lost art of letter writing.
FYI: Emily has a Comedy Central special airing this Friday, Sept 23! 
Emily Heller
Lisa Hanawalt
Brigitte Muñoz-Liebowitz
Zach Sims
Direct download: baby_geniuses_13.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am PDT

Hello babies!
Happy back to school season! We hope you have brand new school supplies! Didn’t you love the feeling of sharpening a brand new pencil for the first time? Although Fall will be upon us soon, we’re still holding onto Summer by discussing Personal Water Crafts. This week on Chunch Chat we discuss Martha Stewart’s pea fowl and their new home next to Ben Chunch! On Wiki of the Week, we read the Wikipedia entry for “Accidental Damage of Art.” Our very special friend and ex producer Travis McElroy joins in to talk about his impending fatherhood. On Expert Hour, Rick “The Hambone” Hammond stops in to teach us about the messages our Hawaiian shirts are broadcasting to the world! 


Direct download: baby_geniuses_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PDT