Baby Geniuses

Hello babies!

Got your emergency go bags ready? We recorded this before the election and hope that this still brings you some joy in these uncertain times. On Chunch Chat, we’re hopefully so close to getting a Chunch update! We skewer take on the bots who hang out in Martha’s blog comments section. On Wiki of the Week, we cover a condition called Penis Captivus, which doesn’t sound like a lot of fun. Jenny Zigrino joins us to talk about the various religious camps she attended as a child. We thought we booked Julian Assange of Wikileaks fame, but we made a simple mistake. Shoelean Assange joins us to talk about his website

NOTE: If you need a safe place to share/vent/scream through your keyboard, feel free to email us at or reach out on our Facebook group.

Emily Heller
Lisa Hanawalt
Jenny Zigrino
Zach Broussard

Direct download: baby_geniuses_17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:12am PDT